Wednesday 21 April 2021

 I went to the corner shop this week! It’s the first time in over a year that I’ve been in there. I didn’t go for my early walk, I went later and the notion came into my head whilst walking and it just wouldn’t leave. So I did it. There was no one else in the shop. The cashier was properly masked up. It wasn’t that I especially needed to buy anything so I came out with - chocolate, crisps and bread. All naughties. Somehow it seemed like a hurdle had been jumped. 

My sister came down for a visit yesterday. I haven’t seen her for months so it was quite emotionally  charged. We went to the cemetery. After my Mum died we had her ashes interred in the grave of her parents. It was a costly venture so we have been conscientious about keeping the plot maintained. However that was difficult during a pandemic! One time my sister came down and we did go to the grave but we did nothing other than look. This time we went armed with buckets, detergent and cloths to give it a much needed spruce up. 

After that we went to a garden centre. Although the car park looked crowded the size of the complex meant that people were pretty well spaced out and it was relatively easy to avoid those people who still haven’t heard about social distancing. The tills were the most perilous thing to negotiate. Although there were markers on the floor (I don’t believe they were two metres apart though) it was too difficult for some people to do. 

We spent a lot of time in my garden but we also did an extended cliff top walk where I showed my sister my silly little landmarks and we explored some ‘secret’ paths. My sister had brought her SLR camera with her and took some wonderful shots both in my garden and while we were out. This photo of a nesting tit was in my neighbours garden, many metres away.

It was a lovely day and she arrived earlier than I thought she would and stayed longer than I thought she would and, indeed, than she intended to but it was such a pleasant time neither of us wanted it to end. And my brother phoned so we had a three way chat via speakerphone as if we were all together. 

Not being used to having company for so long, or going out and about so much I was sooo tired! I tried to have a lay in this morning. I didn’t go for my walk. In fact I haven’t left the house today but it doesn’t matter. I’ve pottered. 

I’ve nearly finished my antibiotics and although the inflammation on the tonsil has gone I still have a vaguely sore throat. Of course as there are still no face to face examinations as standard the tonsillitis diagnosis has never been confirmed. I’m just hoping things don’t follow the same pattern as last time where I was weeks with a sore throat and recurrent tonsil inflammation. It’s being such an optimist that keeps me going.

1 comment:

In Conclusion

I saw this lateral flow test dropped in an adjacent street on my early morning walk the morning before last. It is possible it fell out of a...