Let’s start with something nice. The new yarn bomb commemorating 100 years of the British Legion.
But don’t get too comfortable because optimism isn’t my thing at the moment. I finished the latest course of antibiotics but I’m not confident they’ve done the trick either. But I’m also dead scared of having to phone the bloody doctor again and them giving me even more. So I’m trying a regime of natural ingredients. Garlic, oregano and Cranberry.
I had my second Pfizer jab last Thursday. And I still have a very deep bruise on my arm at the sight of the injection. I think that’s more down to administration of the jab than any real side-effects. I was very tired and spaced out for a couple of days afterwards. So if it is to be believed I am fully covered from tomorrow. Just as well. Cases of this Indian variant has tripled in a week! And they’re still continuing with the easing of lockdown. It’s scary.
I found a leak in my airing cupboard the other day. I’ve no idea how long it’s been leaking. But it meant I had to have a man in the house. First person who has been in my house for months and months. Unless you count my sister using the loo on one of her garden trips. Unfortunately he couldn’t fix the leak because he said it wasn’t a plumbing issue it was a heating issue. He muttered something about a trivalve drip. So I now have to wait for someone else to come on Friday. He reckons the drip was not a risk to the electrics but I’m very wary. So I’ve got towels underneath and I just replace the wet one with a dry one fairly regularly. It’s all fun in my neck of the woods I can tell you.
Consequently I haven’t been far or done much this week. I’ve read avidly which is always my go to security blanket. I had hoped that once vaccinated and with lockdown having been eased I might find the courage to go into town and see if I can’t update my phone. My dear sister, unwittingly, sent me a video last week and it just froze the whole thing up! I couldn’t get into WhatsApp because it said it was too full and I had to delete stuff before it would let me open it. The trouble is I’ve deleted so much stuff there is very little left to delete. 🤣 so I actually deleted some things I would have preferred to keep. 😟 But I do need to be able to open that app as it’s a line of communication.
The weather continues to be unseasonably chilly and wet. The garden is green and vibrant. But it’s too wet to do much out there. I still feel very on show when I’m out in the garden now as I’m overlooked so much. I’m sure people aren’t looking at me. They are much too busy getting on with their own lives to give a toss about what the silly old lady at 178 is doing but nevertheless I can’t help how I feel.
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