Sunday, 19 April 2020

Day Thirty Four - No Escape

I am very sad today and I won't be writing much. My cousin had an update from the hospital to say that Auntie Pat has tested positive for coronavirus. She has no symptoms other than a slightly raised temperature and she is getting over the operation well. So she is still in Hospital at the moment and can't go back to the Care Home just yet. I have all kinds of questions. Did she pick the virus up in the hospital? Or did she already have it from the home? How come she is recovering well from the surgery if her body is fighting the virus? It seems like a contradiction. I am not expecting answers but I just can't help asking the questions. I feel very worried. The realisation that few of us will get though this unaffected in a personal way has become concrete. I suspected it. I felt it was just a waiting game. I'm scared I'll never see Pat again.

And that's all I can write today.

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