Sunday 19 July 2020

Day One Hundred and Twenty-Six - Sunday No Sun Day

I didn't go for a walk this morning. I didn't sleep very well. My rear neighbours had a party. I think they've decided to abandon social distancing since it's likely to be done away with in November anyway. So let's do it now, why not, hey? But to their credit the music stopped between midnight and 1 am. It often goes on into the early hours. I did fall asleep but when I woke my hands were so painful I had to get up and have some painkillers and rub some stuff on them in the hope that I could get back to sleep again which I did. It was so grey and so raincloud heavy when I woke up for my walk that I went back to bed again. However I did go out after breakfast. I went into town and posted my library books through the letterbox in the library. Which for some reason I didn't see on my trip there last week. I don't know, why it was fairly obvious! Anyhow I figured on a Sunday morning there wouldn't be too many people about and there wasn't so it was a fairly anxiety free outing. I've done tai chi and yoga this morning also so I feel I've done a reasonable amount of exercise.

I took advantage of my Amazon Prime membership to order some groceries from the local Morrison's. When my friend and her family go into quarantine again prior to her surgery they won't be able to get out so I want to make sure I've made plenty of vegetarian meals for her daughter. Purchasing those ingredients was my main reason for the order. I might just have bought some strawberries for myself. 😉

Sunday is bed change day and I hung the bedding outdoors to dry only to find that it had started to rain. Very fine drizzle and I spotted it in time to retrieve the laundry before it got wet through. It's been doing it on and off all day now. That fine, misty drizzle that almost doesn't settle. I had a couple of book reviews to catch up on. And I've had an idea for some short stories that I've been jotting down thoughts about. Then of course the shopping arrived and that had to be dealt with and sanitised. So all in all it's been quite a busy day in a leisurely kind of fashion. And I was worried my hands would prevent me from doing much today.

I shall phone my brother shortly and see what's happened in his neck of the woods. It's been a typical kind of Sunday. A distinctive Sunday feel to it. Sometimes that makes me feel very down. But I often find that when I'm writing it takes my mind off everything else. It's like time stands still most. And I don't give coronavirus, lockdown, or social distancing a single thought. And I think I'm better for it!

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In Conclusion

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